Phil Cannella – Philanthropic Heavyweight

Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News

For the past four years, Phillip J Cannella III

and Joann Small have broken new boundaries in their generosity towards the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. They have broken the record for the largest donation to the hospital three times in a row – $50,000 in 2010, $50,001 in 2011, and $65,000 in 2012.

Phillip J Cannella III explains this depth of giving with a simple declaration – the financial group is dedicated to caring not only for seniors in their autumn years – but for children in the ‘spring’ of their years. And the children of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia are most in need. Phillip J Cannella III and Joann Small went to visit the children at the hospital during WOGL’s Radiothon, and met face to face with the individuals for whom they care so much.